Book Title: Tiny Buddha: Simple Wisdom for Life's Hard Questions
Author: Lori Deschene
Year Published: 2012
Publisher: Conari Press (San Francisco, CA, USA)
My Tidbits
Now tiny daily wisdoms come handy! =D I can’t recall when and where did I find Tiny Buddha, since reading the postings has slowly but smoothly integrated into my routines. I still eagerly wait for the mails sent to my inbox, absorbing as much amount of wisdom as possible once I get to read an article posted in the website =) like every reader who feels benefited from contributors’ generous sharing, there’s a wave of gratitude that flows inside me =’)
The chapters are separated into several life issues that are easier said than done: Pain, Meaning, Change, Fate, Happiness, Love, Money, Possibilities and Control. In every section, Lori addresses a question used as a basis to answer the main topic. The interesting part is that the questions addressed were answered by Twitter users around the world. It is comforting and interesting to find great wisdom not only from great people’s sayings, but from our own folks. Our fellows who face daily life’s struggle like us =)
Lori excellently combines with her personal stories with thorough researches from various sources; from Viktor E. Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning” to the famous saying in “Jerry Maguire”: “You complete me.” Frankly, I wonder how did she does it – choosing a life story based on memories and relates it to the topic - because I can’t remember everything that I went through! =p. The readers will also get a bite of Lori’s experiences working for various employers and her encounters with new people she met during the ‘journey’ =)
At the end of every sub-topic, Lori also put a series of simple checklist to help the readers overcome the concerns. I found them are very helpful, with specific examples (“Are you ignoring what you really feel about something so that other people think you’re being positive?”) attached to the steps =) Sometimes we are just not that sure about our own feelings!
Written with passion, simplicity and good humor, “Tiny Buddha: Simple Wisdom for Life’s Hard Questions” just like what is written on the back cover: a little book with big heart <3